Cute, yes, but with their voracious omnivorous appetites, they soon become pests.

Speaking of pests: mosquitoes this summer and fall were so bad that, for the first time since we moved here, we hired a company to spray our yard. Working outside before then was impossible, and such a joy afterwards.

OK, the herd was really only 11 individuals, but a little Photoshop magic doubled its size. Sometime, though, when we see the number of tracks, we think we really do have this many deer around us.

The garter snake appears to be saying, "Why are you following me?!"

This is how close the deer can come to our home. There is an apple tree with July-ripening apples just a few feet away from this window. Deer, racoons, and other critters come every year to feast on them.

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker. Very similar to Downy except bigger.

Red-bellied Woodpecker. Can even see his "red" belly.

Yellow-shafted Flicker

This flock includes Gold Finches, House Finches and a Junco.

Here's the reason we have lots fewer birds hanging around this year.

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