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The Barnett family usually gets together around the 4th of July at Lee's sister's (Janet) cottage in Pentwater. This year, Lee's mom gave the kids (Zander and Lydia) special antique dolls. Watching the fun are Patti Barnett and her step-daughter from Texas, Julie.

She also gave everyone stocking hats. Lee picked a crazy one for this photo. Lee's niece, Jodi, is holding her brand new nephew, Jack Shiraef.

For all the folks that know about the sand dune "Old Baldy" at Warren Woods State Park, this Old Baldy is at Pentwater State Park. About to make the climb are Larry (Lee's brother), Larry's daughter Julie, son-in-law Van, their two children, and Larry's other daughter Laura.

Lee's niece (Julie), sister-in-law (Patti) with son (Scott), Julie's two children (Zander and Lydia), and Dot inside Janet's cottage.

This summer, Dot's middle sister's (Patricia) kids and families got together for the first time in many years, spending a week in the north woods of Michigan enjoying each other and nature's bounty.

These are the five McKenzie siblings responsible for the whole clan at the left. Do you think they are a little crazy??? From top-left: Rob, Tom, Jane, Julie & Kelly.

Dot's eldest sister, Jen, and her daughter (Diane) have been making an annual pilgrimage to our home for making strudel, a dish made famous by Dot's mom. Jen perfected its making and then passed her secrets to Diane, who this year is also sharing them with cousin Julie and sister Barb (along with Barb's friend Andy and Jen's husband Jerry). Barb and Andy came from California to vacation in Michigan, and visit/join us in the process of strudel-making.

Julie is learning fast -- the secret is butter, butter, butter!

Stretching the dough is the trickiest part: Stretch it thin, but don't tear it. We learned this time that this step is easier to accomplish in a very warm summer kitchen, not a cooler fall kitchen. Nonetheless, it was delicious!

January brought many consecutive days of sub-zero temperatures. It also brought us two cats who found our garage to be a cozy place to hang out, especially when Dot put a heating pad in a crate, along with soft towels. Needless to say, they adopted us and are now a part of our household.

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