Lee & Dot Barnett 2006 - page 2
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We had our usual parade of wild critters, including, for the first time, a sighting of a buck. Well, we knew they were around because of all the fawns we've seen over the years. But this was the first time we actually saw, and photographed, an antlered deer. He seemed quite watchful of his harem.

There was one doe who seemed to like to take shelter from the sun and insects by laying under a shrub near our house. We think another doe kept her daughter from last year with her as she was raising her new brood of two fawns. Our resident yard bunny didn't seem bothered by any of the deer's browsing near it -- they were munching on the July apples fallen from the tree just ouside Lee's study's window.

Among other visitors were a Great Blue Heron, a Barred Owl, many Racoons, and 2 dozen Chipmonks that found new homes away from ours.

The Barred Owl entertained us many a night with it's "hoo-hoo hoo-hooo, hoo-hoo hoo-hoooooooo!" And one morning we woke up to loud squaking and beating of wings: two Great Blues were having a territorial fight by our pond. Unfortunately, they were gone before Dot could get to her camera!

Lee did have a unique sighting in the early Spring: he was down by the pond when he heard a couple of loud, raucous calls. He looked over toward our neighbor's pond where he saw two Pileated Woodpeckers jumping in and out of the trees.

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