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Select the Date below for archived materials from the event.
(Videos, Presentations, Photos and Documents)


September 29 - Candidates Forum

June 16 - Gender Disparities in the Pandemic: Advancing Your Priorities to Make an Impact

May 27 - Gender Disparities in the Pandemic: Workforce & Employment

February 1 - Gender Disparities in the Pandemic: Childcare & Eldercare


November 16 - Gender Disparities in the Pandemic: Women’s Mental Health


LAWC Celebrates 100th Years of Women’s Suffrage: mostly Zoom

November 9 - Alpha Girls: A Conversation with author Julian Guthrie and SV Female Trailblazers!

October 7 - Rep. Anna Eshoo: A Conversation: From local office to the Halls of Congress

September 23 - Candidates Forum #2: Women running for LA/LAH City councils and the Santa Clara County Board of Education

September 16 - Candidates Forum #1: Women running for LASD/MVLAUHSD Boards of Education and El Camino Health District

September 12 - Local Elected Women Speak Up 5:00-6:00 PM

August 26 - “Women on Wheels” a Community Car Parade Celebration on Women’s Equality Day, 3:30-5:30 PM through downtown Los Altos, ending at the Los Altos History Museum for a rally and refreshments


June 4, – Understanding the Basics of LASD & BCS


September 5 – Candidates Forum: Women running for City Councils and School Boards

April 23 – Video: Los Altos, A place to call home in Silicon Valley?


December 11 – Affordable Housing – Win/Win Solutions – Working Group

November 15 – The Invisible Housing Crisis in Los Altos: Win/Win Solutions

March 18 – Justice For All: It Starts With Us


October 28 – Making a Difference in Your community: Developing Young Women Leaders

May 20 – Women Innovators in Health Care


August 19 – Candidates Forum: Women running for City Councils and School Boards

March 23 – Letter to the City Manager regarding public involvement in the development of the new Community Center


December 12 – Community engagement, roles of the Commissions

October 21 – Civic engagement in city affairs

Los Altos Women's Caucus 2013-2023