We always seem to have a menagerie of critters visiting our back yard. This year was no exception. Above is a family of Canada Gesse. Usually, Lee gently chases flocks of geese off our property. But this family seemed to think they had rights to the land and pond, and even let us get within a few feet of them before they would start to walk away. Later, they were joined by a couple of other families. Humans could take a lesson from them on how to get along with one another.
One of the craziest things we witnessed was the Bald Eagle.
This sequence shows what happened after he caught and killed a squirrel.

"OK -- I caught a squirrel. What do I do with the

He looks around for ideas.

Finding none, he half-heartedly pecks at the fur.

"This is not a fish!"

So he gives up and flies
away, leaving the carcass
for another scavenger.

We have had many a Robin and Cardinal's nests
raided by Cowbirds. When a robin made her nest on our downspout, we decided to check to make sure the chicks were indeed Robins.
This was a curious sight: a flock of Gold Finches clinging to the side of the greenhouse, pecking away at something. Grit? Salt? We are always happy to see our Rose-breasted Grosbeaks return. They love our sunflower seeds, as do most other birds.
Yes, Baltimore Orioles really do like oranges. This Vulture ate what was left of the Koi that didn't survive the long Winter. American Toads really do sing:
Racoons visit us frequently. We don't like it when they get into tussles with skunks!
Fox Squirrel/white tail. Bunny enjoying salad at Dot's expense. Very wary fawns. We've had turkeys here, but this was our first pheasant.