(\s*?)("|\')(.*?)("|\')/is', $file, $__settings['passwordsalt'], 6); if(sversion_compare(phpversion(), '5.3', '<')){ sconfigure('update_pass.php'); // We are setting this blank because the current value is plain text pass and we are trying to fetch the encrypted pass if we do not get the encrypted pass we have an error check below $__settings['admin_pass'] = ''; $resp = swget($__settings['softurl'].'/update_pass.php'); if(empty($resp)){ $error[] = '{{no_domain_verify}}'; return false; } if(preg_match('/(.*?)<\/update_pass>/is', $resp, $matches)){ $__settings['admin_pass'] = $matches[1]; } if(empty($__settings['admin_pass'])){ $error[] = '{{no_pass_encrypt}}'; return false; } sunlink($__settings['softpath'].'/update_pass.php'); }else{ $__settings['admin_pass'] = __hash($__settings['admin_pass']); } if(!empty($error)){ return false; } // Update the password now $update_query = "UPDATE `user` SET `password` = '".$__settings['admin_pass']."' WHERE `user_name` = '".$userid."';"; $result = sdb_query($update_query, $__settings['softdbhost'], $__settings['softdbuser'], $__settings['softdbpass'], $__settings['softdb']); } } } ?>