Welcome to the Wacousta Barnett's 2017 Memory Pages
Welcome to the Wacousta Barnett's 2017 Memory Pages
Page 3 - Spring 2017
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Our little river, the Looking Glass, floods several times a year, or so it seems. Twice since we've lived here, the flood was so high it overflowed into our pond. It did not do that this year, but we did have a very wet spring. The lone goose seemed to be surveying his surroundings, wondering if this was a good place to raise a family.

Apparently he decided it was, for we watched the parents and goslings make good use of the land and the water from our pond to the river. Lee makes sure they stay close to the pond, as we prefer not to step in their droppings as we work in our yard. They seem to know just how far away from the pond it is safe for them to do their business. As long as they are within that safe limit, they allow us to come within 10 feet without objecting.

It is apparent they do not heed the sign by the pond.
Spring flowers. Always a welcome sight!
Our Redbud tree took a long time to come into bloom this year, but when it did it was gorgeous.
Lee spotted this Wood Duck hopping about on the trees down by our pond, looking for a nesting site, no doubt.
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