Welcome to the Wacousta Barnett's 2017 Memory Pages
Page 4 - Winter 2016-2017
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The flood in January was one of the many floods in 2017. This one seemed to last so long before the water finally went down that we were concerned the flooded grass would not recover. But it did. Notice the ice build-up on the river.
Welcome to the Wacousta Barnett's 2017 Memory Pages
While we normally have plenty of snow to turn the landscape into a white wonderland, naked trees showing off their structures provide plenty of visual interest while cameras wait for the transformations to come.
In these days of divisiveness, we would like to affirm our American motto "E Pluribus Unum" -- out of one, many. We wish all of our family, friends, and anyone who happens upon our website, happiness, joy and love always.
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The Great Seal of the United States