COVID 19 Update 7/15/2020
Pearl City Medical Associates remains open and providing patient care, whether in-person or via telemedicine. We are committed to keeping our patients and community safe and healthy by staying up-to-date on current CDC guidelines.
If you have a scheduled appointment, please help us to minimize your exposure risk and risk to others by following these policies:
- *EXCEPTION:* If the patient is under 18 years old or is an adult requiring assistance, we ask that only one adult caregiver attends the appointment with the patient
- Masks are always required while at the Pali Momi Medical Office Building and Medical Center.
- Masks with vents are not allowed at Pali Momi.
- Please call Adult Medicine at 488-0990 or Pediatrics at 488-1943 to discuss your situation.
- COVID-19 drive-thru testing can be ordered via telemedicine by your primary care provider when medically appropriate.
Mahalo for your kokua!