_pluginDir = dirname(__FILE__); $this->_menuId = self::_SLUG . '-page'; $this->_themePageUrl = admin_url('themes.php?page='.$this->_menuId); $this->_createChildFormId = self::_SLUG.'-create-child'; $this->_repairChildFormId = self::_SLUG.'-repair-child'; $this->_copyTemplateFormId = self::_SLUG.'-copy-template'; $this->_mshotSiteFormId = self::_SLUG.'-mshot-site'; // it has to be buried like this or you get an error: // "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" add_action( 'admin_menu', array($this,'createAdminMenu') ); // form handling code add_action( 'admin_post_'.$this->_createChildFormId, array($this,'processCreateForm') ); add_action( 'admin_post_'.$this->_repairChildFormId, array($this,'processRepairChildForm') ); add_action( 'admin_post_'.$this->_copyTemplateFormId, array($this,'processCopyTemplateForm') ); add_action( 'admin_post_'.$this->_mshotSiteFormId, array($this,'processMShotSiteForm') ); // TODO: I could also use the $pagenow global, but is it still there? if ( basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'themes.php' && !empty($_REQUEST['occt_error']) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array($this,'showErrorNotice')); } } /** * Handle error and update notices for this theme * * There are now four types of notices: success (green), warning (orange), error (red), * and info (blue). * * Put here because there is a redirect between all forms and error notifications and * add_settings_error() only covers options API errors. */ public function showErrorNotice() { switch ($_GET['occt_error']) { case 'child_created': //SUCCESS: child theme created $type = 'updated'; //fade? $msg = sprintf( __('Theme switched! Click here to edit the child stylesheet.', self::_SLUG), add_query_arg( urlencode_deep(array( 'file' => 'style.css', 'theme' => get_stylesheet(), )), admin_url('theme-editor.php') ) ); break; case 'create_failed': //ERROR: create file failed (probably due to permissions) $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Failed to create file: %s', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'edit_failed': //ERROR: edit file failed (probably do to permissions) $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Failed to edit file: %s', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'repair_success': //SUCCESS: repaired child theme $type = 'updated fade'; $msg = __('Repaired child theme.', self::_SLUG); break; case 'no_template': //ERROR: template file not specified $type = 'error'; $msg = __('No template file specified.', self::_SLUG); case 'missing_template': //ERROR: parent theme doesn't have template $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Template file %s does not exist in parent theme!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'already_template': //ERROR: child theme already has template $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Template file %s already exists in child theme!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'copy_failed': //ERROR: couldn't duplicate file for some reason $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Failed to duplicate file %s!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'copy_success': //SUCCESS: template file created $type = 'updated'; //fade? $msg = sprintf( __('File %s created!', self::_SLUG), add_query_arg( urlencode_deep(array( 'file' => $_GET['filename'], 'theme' => get_stylesheet(), )), admin_url('theme-editor.php') ), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'delete_failed': //ERROR: couldn't delete file for some reason $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Failed to delete file %s!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'mshot_404': //ERROR: couldn't find mshot $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('404 File not found at %s!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['url']) ); break; case 'mshot_mime_wrong': //ERROR: couldn't find mshot $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Unrecognized mimetype at %s!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['url']) ); break; case 'mshot_nocreate': //ERROR: couldn't find mshot $type = 'error'; $msg = sprintf( __('Failed to create file %s!', self::_SLUG), esc_html($_GET['filename']) ); break; case 'mshot_success': //SUCCESS: screenshot generated $type = 'updated fade'; //fade? $msg = __('Successfully changed screenshot.', self::_SLUG); break; default: //ERROR: it is a generic error message $type = 'error'; $msg = esc_html($_GET['occt_error']); } printf( '


', $type, $msg ); } /** * Adds an admin menu for One Click Child Theme in Appearances */ public function createAdminMenu() { add_theme_page( __('Make a Child Theme', self::_SLUG), //page title __('Child Theme', self::_SLUG), //menu title 'install_themes', //capability needed to view $this->_menuId, //menu slug (and page query url) array( $this, 'showThemePage' ) //callback function ); } // // SHOW THEME PAGE // /** * Show the theme page which has a form allowing you to child theme * currently selected theme. * */ public function showThemePage() { // Form is processed in the admin_post_* hooks // Handle case where current theme is already a child if ( is_child_theme() ) { $this->_showFormAlreadyChild( $this->_child_theme_needs_repair() ); return; } // Default behavior: We are not a child theme, but interested in creating one. // Grab default values from a form fail $theme_name = ( !empty($_GET['theme_name']) ) ? $_GET['theme_name'] : ''; $description = ( !empty($_GET['description']) ) ? $_GET['description'] : ''; if ( !empty($_GET['author_name']) ) { $author = $_GET['author_name']; } else { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $author = $current_user->display_name; } // render default behaivor require $this->_pluginDir.'/templates/create_child_form.php'; } /** * Show the "is child already" template. * @param boolean $child_needs_repair whether or not child theme needs repair * @todo handle grandchildren */ private function _showFormAlreadyChild($child_needs_repair) { // set template parameters $current_theme = wp_get_theme(); $child_theme_screenshot_url = ( $screenshot_filename = $this->_scanForScreenshot( get_stylesheet_directory() ) ) ? get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/'.$screenshot_filename : ''; $mshot_url = $this->_mshotUrl(); // Search for template files. // Note: since there can be files like {mimetype}.php, we must assume // that any root level .php files in the template directory are // templates. $template_files = glob ( get_template_directory().'/*.php' ); foreach ( $template_files as $index=>$file ) { $template_files[$index] = basename( $file ); } // Filter out any files in child already created $child_theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); foreach ( $template_files as $index=>$filename ) { if ( file_exists($child_theme_dir.'/'.$filename) ) { unset($template_files[$index]); } } require $this->_pluginDir.'/templates/is_child_already.php'; } // // FORM HANDLING // /** * Handle the create child form. */ public function processCreateForm() { check_admin_referer( $this->_createChildFormId . '-verify' ); $theme_name = $_POST['theme_name']; $description = ( empty($_POST['description']) ) ? '' : $_POST['description']; $author_name = ( empty($_POST['author_name']) ) ? '' : $_POST['author_name']; $result = $this->_make_child_theme( $theme_name, $description, $author_name ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { // should show create child form again $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, $result->get_error_message(), array( 'theme_name' => $theme_name, 'description' => $description, 'author_name' => $author_name, ) ); return; } else { switch_theme( $result['parent_template'], $result['new_theme'] ); // Redirect to themes page on success $this->_redirect( admin_url('themes.php'), 'child_created' ); } } /** * Handle the repair_child_form form. */ public function processRepairChildForm() { check_admin_referer( $this->_repairChildFormId . '-verify' ); $child_theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); $functions_file = $child_theme_dir.'/functions.php'; $style_file = $child_theme_dir.'/style.css'; // create functions.php if it doesn't exist yet if ( !file_exists($functions_file) ) { if ( !touch($functions_file) ) { // fixing is hopeless if we can't create the file :-( $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'create_failed', array( 'filename' => $functions_file ) ); return; } } // read in style.css $style_text = file_get_contents( $style_file ); // prune out old rules $style_text = preg_replace( '!@import\s+url\(\s?["\']\.\./.*/style.css["\']\s?\);!ims', '', $style_text ); $style_text = preg_replace( '!@import\s+url\(\s?["\']'.get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css["\']\s?\);!ims', '', $style_text ); if ( file_put_contents( $style_file, $style_text) === false ) { $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'edit_failed', array( 'filename' => $style_file ) ); return; } // modify functions.php to prepend new rules $functions_text = file_get_contents( $this->_pluginDir.'/templates/functions.php' ); // ^^^ above file has no final carriage return and ending comment so it should // "smash" the starting '_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'edit_failed', array( 'filename' => $functions_file ) ); return; } $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'repair_success' ); } /** * Handle the Copy Template form. */ public function processCopyTemplateForm() { check_admin_referer( $this->_copyTemplateFormId . '-verify' ); $filename = ( empty($_POST['filename']) ) ? '' : $_POST['filename']; if ( !$filename ) { $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'no_template' ); return; } $child_theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); $template_dir = get_template_directory(); var_dump('bar'); if ( !file_exists($template_dir.'/'.$filename) ) { $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'missing_template', array( 'filename' => $filename ) ); return; } if ( file_exists($child_theme_dir.'/'.$filename) ) { $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'already_template', array( 'filename' => $filename ) ); return; } if ( !copy( $template_dir.'/'.$filename, $child_theme_dir.'/'.$filename ) ) { $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'copy_failed', array( 'filename' => $filename ) ); } $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'copy_success', array( 'filename' => $filename ) ); } /** * Handle the mshot Screenshot form */ public function processMShotSiteForm() { check_admin_referer( $this->_mshotSiteFormId . '-verify' ); // delete existing screenshot if it exists $child_theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); if ( $screenshot_filename = $this->_scanForScreenshot($child_theme_dir) ) { $screenshot_path = $child_theme_dir.'/'.$screenshot_filename; if ( !unlink($screenshot_path) ) { // most likely a directory problem Fail with an error $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'delete_failed', array( 'filename' => $screenshot_path ) ); return; } } $mshot_url = $this->_mshotUrl(); // Get the mshot $response = wp_remote_get($mshot_url); if ( $response['code'] == 404 ) { // The 404 image is gorgeous nowadays, but (if wp.com correctly handled error // codes for image generation) we'd not let them use it as a theme screenshot. $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'mshot_404', array( 'url' => $mshot_url ) ); } // Should be 'image/jpeg', but let's hedge our bets switch ($response['headers']['content-type']) { case 'image/jpeg': $screenshot_filename = 'screenshot.jpg'; break; case 'image/png': $screenshot_filename = 'screenshot.png'; break; case 'image/gif': $screenshot_filename = 'screenshot.gif'; break; default: $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'mshot_mime_wrong', array( 'url' => $mshot_url ) ); return; } $screenshot_path = $child_theme_dir.'/'.$screenshot_filename; if ( file_put_contents($screenshot_path, $response['body']) === false ) { $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'mshot_nocreate', array( 'filename' => $screenshot_path ) ); return; } $this->_redirect( $this->_themePageUrl, 'mshot_success' ); } // // PRIVATE METHOD // /** * Does the work to make a child theme based on the current theme. * * This currently supports the following files: * * 1. style.css: Follows the rules outlined in {@link http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes the Codex} * 2. functions.php: Followed the updated rules outlined in the Codex. Note * that since WordPress ?.? functions.php hierarchy is automatically * included. * 3. rtl.css: right to left language support, if not avaialble in parent, it * uses TwentyFifteen's rtl * 4. screenshot.png: screenshot if available in the parent * * @author terry chay * @author Chris Robinson (for screenshot support). * @return array|WP_Error If successful, it returns a hash contianing * - new_theme: (directory) name of new theme * - parent_template: (directory) name of parent template * - parent_theme: (directory) name of parent theme * - new_theme_path: full path to the directory cotnaining the new theme * - new_theme_title: the name of the new theme */ private function _make_child_theme( $new_theme_title, $new_theme_description, $new_theme_author ) { $parent_theme_title = get_current_theme(); $parent_theme_template = get_template(); //Doesn't play nice with the grandkids $parent_theme_name = get_stylesheet(); $parent_theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); // Turn a theme name into a directory name $new_theme_name = sanitize_title( $new_theme_title ); $theme_root = get_theme_root(); // Validate theme name $new_theme_path = $theme_root.'/'.$new_theme_name; if ( file_exists( $new_theme_path ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'exists', __( 'Theme directory already exists!', self::_SLUG ) ); } mkdir( $new_theme_path ); // Make style.css ob_start(); require $this->_pluginDir.'/templates/child-theme-css.php'; $css = ob_get_clean(); file_put_contents( $new_theme_path.'/style.css', $css ); // "Generate" functions.php copy( $this->_pluginDir.'/templates/functions.php', $new_theme_path.'/functions.php' ); // RTL support $rtl_theme = ( file_exists( $parent_theme_dir.'/rtl.css' ) ) ? $parent_theme_name : 'twentyfifteen'; //use the latest default theme rtl file ob_start(); require $this->_pluginDir.'/templates/rtl-css.php'; $css = ob_get_clean(); file_put_contents( $new_theme_path.'/rtl.css', $css ); // Copy screenshot if ( $screenshot_filename = $this->_scanForScreenshot( $parent_theme_dir ) ) { copy( $parent_theme_dir.'/'.$screenshot_filename, $new_theme_path.'/'.$screenshot_filename ); } // removed grandfather screenshot check (use mshot instead, rly) // Make child theme an allowed theme (network enable theme) $allowed_themes = get_site_option( 'allowedthemes' ); $allowed_themes[ $new_theme_name ] = true; update_site_option( 'allowedthemes', $allowed_themes ); return array( 'parent_template' => $parent_theme_template, 'parent_theme' => $parent_theme_name, 'new_theme' => $new_theme_name, 'new_theme_path' => $new_theme_path, 'new_theme_title' => $new_theme_title, ); } // // PRIVATE UTILITY FUNCTIONS // /** * Detect if child theme needs repair. * * A child theme needs repair if it is missing a functions.php or the * style.css still has a rule that points to the parent. */ private function _child_theme_needs_repair() { $child_theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory(); if ( !file_exists($child_theme_dir.'/functions.php') ) { return true; } $style_text = file_get_contents( $child_theme_dir.'/style.css' ); // look for relative match (dificult to extract parent theme directory // so I'll assume any in this path is parent theme) if ( preg_match( '!@import\s+url\(\s?["\']\.\./.*/style.css["\']\s?\);!ims', $style_text ) ) { return true; } // look for absolute match if ( preg_match( '!@import\s+url\(\s?["\']'.get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css["\']\s?\);!ims', $style_text ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Handle error redirects (for admin_notices generated by plugin) * * Note add_query_arg() is written like shit. Here are it's problems: * * 1. doesn't take advantage of built-in parse_url() * 2. uses urlencode_deep() instead of an array_merge and built-in http_build_query() * 3. doesn't urlencode() if $arg[0] is an array. * * The 3rd one is extremely non-intuitive, but fixing it, would break backward * compatibility due to double-escaping. I'm hacking around that. :-( * * @param string $url The (base) url to redirect to, usually admin_url() * @param string $error the error code to use * @param string $args other arguments to add to the query string * @return null */ private function _redirect($url, $error, $args = array()) { $args['occt_error'] = $error; $args = urlencode_deep($args); wp_redirect( add_query_arg( $args, $url ) ); } /** * Searches directory for a theme screenshot * * @param string $directory directory to search (a theme directory) * @return string|false 'screenshot.png' (or whatever) or false if there is no screenshot */ private function _scanForScreenshot($directory) { $screenshots = glob( $directory.'/screenshot.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif}', GLOB_BRACE ); return (empty($screenshots)) ? false : basename($screenshots[0]); } /** * Generate mshot of wordpress homepage. * * Recommende image dimensions from https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development#Screenshot * @todo probably won't work correctly in multisite installs * @todo remove debugging code */ private function _mshotUrl() { $scheme = (is_ssl()) ? 'https' : 'http'; return $scheme . '://s.wordpress.com/mshots/v1/'. urlencode(get_site_url()) . '?w=880&h=660'; } } new OneClickChildTheme(); // Start this plugin //add_action( 'admin_init', array('OneClickChildTheme','init'), 12 );